
Centre of Research Excellence: Healthy Food, Healthy Planet, Healthy People


Millions of Australians and hundreds of millions of people around the world suffer from conditions caused by excessive consumption of unhealthy foods and insufficient intake of healthy foods. The food system is one of the largest contributors to environmental degradation through greenhouse gas emissions, water use and deforestation, and one of the sectors hardest hit by climate change. Access to information about the nutritional quality and environmental impacts of the food we eat is a basic consumer right, yet is lacking. 

The Healthy Food, Healthy Planet, Healthy People Centre for Research Excellence will deliver world-leading innovations in nutrient profiling algorithms and environmental indicators that estimate the human and planetary consequences of varying patterns of food and beverage consumption.

The project will:

  • Identify effective means of conveying combined nutrition and sustainability information.
  • Use the developed algorithms, environmental indicators and user response data to model the impact of various policy options on human and planetary health outcomes.
  • Develop evidence-based recommendations for government-led and market-based strategies to improve the nutritional quality and sustainability of the food supply.
  • Work with consumers, industry and government to accelerate uptake of the research findings.