Research projects

Our research projects are where innovation and theory meet real-world impact. Built within our key areas of research, every research project is designed to solve a specific challenge. From early detection and prevention to advancing care, these targeted initiatives drive local change on a global scale. Explore individual projects and learn how they’re shaping the future of health for communities where support is needed most.


Health systems science

Join Us: Strengthening Australia’s research capability

Women's health

Pregnancy as an opportunity to improve lifelong health, SMARThealth Pregnancy


Global Surgery and Trauma Research


SUcceSS: SUrgery for Spinal Stenosis – a randomised placebo-controlled trial

Mental health

DAYARA: Developing and testing An intervention to promote psYchological wellbeing Among Scheduled TRibe communities in Andhra Pradesh

Brain health

ACT-GLOBAL: A multi-faCtorial, mulTi-arm, multi-staGe, randomised, gLOBal Adaptive pLatform trial for stroke


Community Action for Safe Speeds (CASS) Study


Comparison of removable off-loading device and routine care to heal plantar ulcers due to leprosy and diabetes in the community


SuSTAInZ - Supporting Successful Transition to Adult belts In Cars: examining effectiveness of optimiZed tools

Mental health

ASHVINS: Managing Depression in Cancer Patients in India

Health systems science

The Resilience Collaborative 2024: Enhancing healthcare worker resilience by co-developing evidence-based solutions for scale (RECONNECTIONS)

Mental health

ANUMATI 2.0: Adolescent resilience-building in urban slums – A multifaceted implementation trial of life skills education in India

Health systems science

Research priority setting as a tool for justice and fairness in climate and health knowledge ecosystem

Critical care

Fludrocortisone in ICU patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (FLASH trial)


Walking with the low back pain patient: understanding the patient journey


Translating Research Findings in Surgery


TEXT4myBACK: A text message intervention to improve function in people with low back pain


The Meniscal Transplant surgery or Optimised Rehabilitation full randomised trial (MeTeOR2)


HEalth literacy in Low back Pain – the HELP media intervention study

Health systems science

Policy and legal review of organ transplantation in six countries

Health equity

PATANG: Promoting Community Action for Health - A Co-Produced, Technology-Enabled Platform to Achieve National Goals


Housing, home and health: Social housing and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in urban New South Wales

Food policy

ecoSwitch App

Food policy

GlutenSwitch App