MedApp-CHD: MEDication reminder APPs to improve medication adherence in Coronary Heart Disease Study
In the current technology-driven world, apps have been gaining space in our everyday lives. Health apps, including medication reminder apps, are becoming more and more popular and are a promising tool to improve adherence to cardiovascular medications, which is known to be sub-optimal worldwide. Despite the plethora of medication adherence apps readily available to the general public in the app stores, there is a lack of evidence that such apps are effective.
The MedApp-CHD Study will evaluate a highly innovative intervention using mobile phone apps to improve patients’ cardiovascular health and medication adherence.
The MedApp-CHD Study is a randomised controlled trial using two types of mobile phone apps to improve adherence to cardiovascular medication in patients with coronary heart disease and consequently, improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
The results of this trial will provide initial evidence as to whether smartphone apps to remind patients to take their medication can improve medication adherence, blood pressure and cholesterol levels after 3 months.
The MedApp-CHD Study is expected to show that simple and regular reminders sent via mobile phone apps can lead to better medication adherence and cardiovascular health outcomes.