Point Prevalence Program
The Point Prevalence Program (PPP) is a collaborative project between Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials Group (ANZICS CTG) and the Critical Care Division of The George Institute.
As a coordinated and validated project , the Point Prevalence Program provides infrastructure to conduct several multi-centre observational studies simultaneously on specified study days each year. The impetus for the PPP is to improve the efficiency of the collection of observational data that helps design clinical trial protocols for future ANZICS CTG studies. A further use of the PPP is that it can help with generating data to understand how research findings are translated into clinical practice.
The program facilitates collaborations amongst members of the CTG with an average of 44 ICUs participating each study day from a range of tertiary, metropolitan, regional-rural and private hospitals with an average recruitment per study day of more than 550 participants.
Intensive Insulin Therapy Trialists' Collaboration (IIT-TC)
Hyperglycaemia is a common finding in patients who are acutely ill even in the absence of a prior diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. In acutely ill patients, hyperglycaemia is associated with a worse outcome.
As hyperglycaemia is consistently associated with increased morbidity and mortality, critical care researchers have conducted a number of trials to investigate whether tighter control of blood glucose in critically ill patients is beneficial. To date there have been over 30 randomised controlled trials of tight glucose control in critical care settings.
However, many studies have reported non-significant results; in part this is because many of the trials were small and when considered alone had insufficient statistical power to examine the effects of tight glucose control on mortality.
The aim of this collaborative research project is to combine the individual patient data from all randomized controlled trials of tight glucose control in critically ill adults around the world to conduct
Changes in clinical guidelines for the management of chronic back pain
Policy & Practice Report
Improving the management of stroke
Policy & Practice Report
Australian Government Preventative Health Taskforce
Policy & Practice Report
Developing renal service plans
Policy & Practice Report
Assessment of absolute cardiovascular disease risk
Policy & Practice Report
Addressing chronic disease among indigenous Australians
Policy & Practice Report
Informing treatments for patients with type 2 diabetes
Policy & Practice Report
Intensive blood glucose management in intensive care patients
Policy & Practice Report
Managing chronic back pain
Policy & Practice Report
Recommendations for new blood pressure treatments
Policy & Practice Report