Improving pregnancy and lifelong care in rural India with SMARThealth Pregnancy
STORIES OF IMPACTSravanthi’s story
Sravanthi lives in Siddipet in the Indian state of Telangana. When Sravanthi was first pregnant, her husband was very unwell and she was under great stress. She developed pre-eclampsia and lost her baby in the eighth month of the pregnancy.
“I started bleeding, so I was rushed to government hospital in Siddipet. Over there they referred me to Gandhi Hospital in Hyderabad where they had to remove the baby. My blood pressure had increased, and the baby passed away in my womb in the 8th month. No one even tried to understand what had happened or how it happened.By: SravanthiSMARThealth patient
THE challengeNCDs and Pregnancy
1 in 7Pregnant womensuffer from gestational diabetes
50%of those womenwill develop type ii diabetes within 5–10 years
1 in 10Pregnant womenwill suffer from pre-eclampsia
Over 50%of indian womenare anaemic during pregnancy
Over 80%of maternal deathsare partiallydue to anaemia