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Displaying results 41 - 60 of 403
- Millions of back pain patients around the world risk being sent for unnecessary and expensive x-rays and MRIs due to screening methods that are too lax, an Australian study has found. The study,…19/12/2013 -Media releaseentity:node34,887,080
- The Government of India has demonstrated commitment towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by initiating several high profile health systems reforms under its Ayushman Bharat scheme. This policy…19/6/2019 -Projectentity:node34,817,664
- The MESSAGE (Medical Science Sex and Gender Equity) project is a policy initiative bringing together the UK research sector to improve integration of sex and gender in biomedical, health and care…31/5/2022 -Projectentity:node34,711,960
- NEW DELHI, MARCH 19. The COVID-19 pandemic is throwing up unique challenges for health systems. It presents particular challenges for patients who receive regular haemodialysis. These patients with…19/3/2020 -Media releaseentity:node34,663,892
- A culturally-appropriate depression screening tool for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples not only works, it should be rolled out across the country, according to a new study.…26/6/2019 -Media releaseentity:node34,605,720
- New research has found that long-term exposure to high blood pressure is associated with an increased risk of aortic valve disease, with significant implications for clinical practice guidelines and…13/9/2018 -Media releaseentity:node34,564,628
- The SPACE group includes collaborators conducting or planning a series of clinical trials of a polypill strategy for cardiovascular disease prevention. The polypill being evaluated in these trials is…03/6/2013 -Projectentity:node34,524,096
- Background Optimal crash protection requires the most appropriate restraint for a child’s size. For children ≥7 years of age, parents can choose whether they use seat belts or a booster seat.…10/12/2021 -Projectentity:node34,516,412
- Less than half of bread products in Australian supermarkets have acceptable salt levels, according to data released today by Sydney based, The George Institute for Global Health. The startling report…24/11/2010 -Media releaseentity:node34,499,032
- A study of over 96,000 UK men and women, of average age 64.5 years, has found that those with chronic conditions are spending considerably less time on physical activity than their healthy peers, so…31/1/2019 -Media releaseentity:node34,499,032
- Twenty-nine organisations across the UK medical research community published a statement of intent today signalling their support for the introduction of dedicated sex and gender policies for…11/12/2023 -Media releaseentity:node34,458,548
- SYDNEY, JAN 28 - Recognising and managing depression is an important part of post-stroke treatment, but some treatments should be used with caution until more is known about the risks,…28/1/2020 -Media releaseentity:node34,390,164
- This small change could have a big impact on high blood pressure control, experts say A call to include recommendations on low-sodium potassium-enriched salt in hypertension treatment guidelines has…29/1/2024 -Media releaseentity:node34,354,828
- SYDNEY, SEPT 22 - The COVID-19 pandemic has more than doubled the number of smokers wanting to quit but a different approach may be needed to help them succeed, according to a new study from The…22/9/2020 -Media releaseentity:node34,322,512
- Australia’s health system is under strain and in urgent need of transformation to strengthen consumer-centred and community-based primary health services a new report has found. This is the view…17/9/2018 -Media releaseentity:node34,304,948
- Women in China have greater awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension than their male counterparts, new research from The George Institute for Global Health at the University of Oxford has…06/12/2018 -Media releaseentity:node34,271,904
- New research has revealed Woolworths is the healthiest major supermarket in Australia when it comes to ‘own-label’ foods according to the FoodSwitch: The State of the Food Supply report. The study…29/4/2019 -Media releaseentity:node34,177,764
- New research published today by CHOICE Australia reveals that many children's foods have unacceptably high-levels of salt with some products saltier than the adult equivalent. CHOICE found children…11/3/2013 -Media releaseentity:node34,165,648
- Tobacco will contribute to 8 million deaths worldwide by 2030 if smoking isn’t quickly cut back says the World Health Organisation. Every year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) hosts World No…01/6/2015 -Media releaseentity:node34,165,388
- Switching food and drink purchases to very similar but more environmentally friendly alternatives could reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from household groceries by more than a quarter (26%)…24/5/2024 -Media releaseentity:node34,161,684