The George Institute earns SAGE Cygnet Award for flexible parental and carer policies
Combining popular diabetes drugs offers complementary heart and kidney benefits
News / Media release
Adding ultra-processing to Health Star Rating offsets ‘health halo’ effect
News / Media release
Australian teenagers say zero alcohol products are appealing and could act as a gateway to alcohol use
News / Media release
Australian and New Zealand Food Ministers have a final opportunity to set a future food regulatory system that supports a healthy, viable and valuable food supply
News / Profile story
Photography brings to life impact of sepsis in Australia
George Institute receives MRFF grant to transform patient care following stroke
Limitations of global governance for health: Motivating change
2020 bush-fires and COVID-19: what does it mean for our respiratory system?
Meet Nicole Votruba: addressing health inequalities and creating healthier societies
News / Profile story
George Institute researchers to benefit from new funding announced by Australian Government
A gendered approach to reduce diet-related disease in Fiji