Multi-million-dollar mission to tackle major global health challenges
News / Media release
‘Lightly salted’ kale chips crowned saltiest snack
News / Media release
The George Institute announces 'game changing' investment
More people with diabetes are developing kidney disease, with new risks emerging
System-level factors influence access to Kidney Disease care in rural India
News / Media release
Celebrating Harmony Day with The George Institute’s PhD students
Persons with kidney disease and on haemodialysis advised to follow guidelines to mitigate risk of COVID-19 infections
News / Media release
Meet Dr Vikash R Keshri, Senior Research Fellow - Injury Division
News / Profile story
The enrolled cases exceeded 5000: INTERACT3 becomes the world’s largest cerebral haemorrhage trial
News / Media release
Frontline health workers at increased risk of COVID-19 and stigmatisation
News / Media release
Masking the unmasked - Protecting Front-line health workers during the COVID 2019 pandemic
COVID-19: Why does Bihar’s public healthcare system struggle so?
News / Profile story