TGI initiates a randomised Control trial (RCT) of Hydroxychloroquine for Health Care Workers exposed to COVID-19 (HOPE)
News / Media release
UNSW and The George Institute for Global Health back entrepreneurs improving lives here and abroad
News / Media release
Meet Dr Susmita Chatterjee, Senior Health Economist, The George Institute, India
News / Profile story
The George Institute’s Dr Parisa Glass takes on new innovation leadership role
News / Media release
Dr Ophira Ginsburg announced as Elsa Atkin Distinguished Fellow
Failure to recognise and treat sepsis results in another tragic and preventable death
Professor Craig Anderson from TGI is the new Editor-in-Chief of the journal, Cerebrovascular Diseases
Critical care preparedness in India needs a booster shot to tackle the increasing number of COVID-19 cases
News / Media release
Professor Kent Buse joins The George Institute to direct programme focused on creating healthier societies
Reformulation Program needs major overhaul to be effective
News / Profile story
CONNECTing patients to better outcomes through digital technology
WHO calls for global action on sepsis to reduce the burden of this silent killer