Pregnancy warnings on alcohol products
Policy & Practice Report
Frontline health workers in COVID-19 prevention and control: rapid evidence synthesis
Policy & Practice Report
Summary of recommendations from relevant guidelines on best practices for postnatal care: rapid policy brief
Policy & Practice Report
Harmful postpartum beliefs and practices of mothers in India: rapid policy brief
Policy & Practice Report
Training of post-natal care attendants for post-natal care, nutrition and breastfeeding: rapid policy brief
Policy & Practice Report
Financial penalties for decreasing incidence, death and disability due to road traffic injuries: policy brief
Policy & Practice Report
Improving the health care access among Scheduled Tribes: An implementation research in Kokrajhar district of Assam
The tribal communities in India have a population of 104 million, which accounts for 8.6% of the country’s population. They predominantly habitat in hilly and forest areas. Majority of the Indian tribal communities are leading a culturally distinct life with poverty and inadequate access to basic amenities and services including health. The fourth National Family Health Survey of India (2015-16), revealed that only 73% of tribal women received antenatal care against 86% uncategorized groups. Similarly, only 55% of tribal children were fully immunized. This low access to health care services among tribal communities can be attributed to several factors such as lack of awareness, poor access to transportation and health facilities, financial constraints, and cultural factors.
To address this burning issue, we are implementing a research project among the tribal and tea tribe communities in the Kokrajhar district in Assam state. This study intends to develop implementation strategies to i
National Preventive Health Strategy – Consultation Paper Response by The George Institute for Global Health
Policy & Practice Report
ARTEMIS: Adolescents’ Resilience and Treatment nEeds for Mental health in Indian Slums
Adolescents (defined by UNICEF and the funding call as 10-19 years) are vulnerable to Common Mental Disorders which are leading causes of death and disability for this group, in India. There are around 250 million adolescents in India. Depression and self-harm account for a major share of the burden of death and disability in this age group. A study from rural India found that suicide rates amongst adolescents are amongst the highest in the world (148/100,000 and 58/100,000 for females and males, respectively). Of those with depressive disorders, only 1 in 27 people receive effective treatment in low- and middle-income countries, such as India.Barriers to care include both demand and supply side factors such as lack of awareness of mental health needs, public and internalised stigma, and few accessible health staff. These problems are exacerbated in urban slums where rates of poverty, unemployment, and interpersonal violence (among males and females) lead to increased rates of mental disorders, with less acce
Feedback on the draft updated Health Star Rating Calculator and Style Guide – October 2020
Policy & Practice Report
House of Representatives inquiry into approval processes for new drugs and novel medical technologies in Australia
Policy & Practice Report
Optimal Post Tpa-IV Monitoring in Ischaemic Stroke (OPTIMIST)
Aim: To establish that less-intense monitoring is at least as good as standard monitoring for patients who receive thrombolysis treatment for acute ischaemic stroke To establish that less-intense monitoring of patients is safe To establish that less-intense monitoring is cost-effective and allows more focussed nursing care.
An investigator-initiated and conducted, regionally coordinated, international, pragmatic, multicentre, prospective, stepped wedge, cluster randomised, blinded outcome assessed, clinical trial undertaken through a global network of investigators. The stepped wedge cluster (3 clusters, with 4 phases) will be undertaken at 120 hospitals, each recruiting average of 15 patient over a 4 month period per phase.