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Sex and gender equity

When it comes to our health the story isn't balanced. But it should be. We are committed to achieving health equity through our sex and gender initiatives.

We consider how sex and gender influence health and medical research because it is sound science and promotes the health of everyone.

Discover how The George Institute is leading efforts to close the sex and gender health gap in a video by our Founding Director, Prof Robyn Norton, and a blog from our Chair in Global Women’s Health, Prof Jane Hirst.

The George Institute's Sex and Gender Initiatives

Health isn’t one-size-fits-all. Our sex and gender equity initiatives aim to close the gender health gap for a fairer future. This gap reflects disadvantages experienced by women and sex and gender diverse people across the globe in terms of their access to treatment and care, differences in disease risk, diagnosis and treatment, and health outcomes compared to men.

Closing the gender health gap will benefit health systems, economies and, ultimately, achieve equity – with more of us living longer, healthier lives.

Discover how we are finding solutions by diving into our research, news and evidence highlights below.

Join the conversation on social media and discover the science behind our campaign.

Our sex and gender equity thought leaders

Get to know our sex and gender researchers working for clear answers and solutions to the sex and gender health gap:

Dr Cheryl Carcel, Head, Brain Health Program, The George Institute
Brain health

Dr Cheryl Carcel

Head, Brain Health Program
Kate Womersley headshot
Women's health

Kate Womersley

Research Fellow
Sue Haupt
Women's health

Dr Sue Haupt

Senior Research Fellow, Women’s Health Program
View all our thought leaders on sex and gender