Anushka Patel's Publications
About Anushka Patel's Publications
Chief Executive Officer, The George Institute for Global Health- Scientia Professor, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
- Cardiologist (Hon), Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
- SM,
- PhD,
Use of major surgery in south India: A retrospective audit of hospital claim data from a large, community health insurance program
Surgery Date published: -
Challenge of treating and managing most common diseases goes global
Date published: -
Major surgery in south India: a retrospective audit of hospital claim data from a large community health insurance programme
The Lancet Date published: -
The development and feasibility of a composite score of echocardiographic indices that may stratify outcome in patients with diabetes mellitus
International Journal of Cardiology Date published: -
Rational and design of a stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial evaluating quality improvement initiative for reducing cardiovascular events among patients with acute coronary syndromes in resource-constrained hospitals in China
American Heart Journal Date published: -
No Relationship of Lipid-Lowering Agents to Hematoma Growth
Stroke Date published: -
Patient Preferences for a Polypill for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases
Annals of Pharmacotherapy Date published: -
Blood Pressure Lowering in Type 2 Diabetes
JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association Date published: -
Effect of a Computer-Guided, Quality Improvement Program for Cardiovascular Disease Risk Management in Primary Health Care
Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes Date published: -
Role of polypills in primary prevention of CVD
Cardiology Today Date published: -
Patients’ and providers’ perspectives of a polypill strategy to improve cardiovascular prevention in Australian primary health care: a qualitative study set within a pragmatic randomized, controlled trial
Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes Date published: -
Kanyini Guidelines Adherence with the Polypill (Kanyini GAP) Collaboration. A pragmatic randomized trial of a polypill-based strategy to improve use of indicated preventive treatments in people at high cardiovascular disease risk
Eur J Prev Cardiol Date published: -
INTegrated Electronic General practice support tool, phaRmacy led intervention And combination Therapy Evaluation trial (INTEGRATE)
Heart, Lung and Circulation Date published: -
Impact of polypill based therapy on SBP and LDL cholesterol control stratified by potency of baseline regimen
Heart, Lung and Circulation Date published: -
A multifaceted quality improvement intervention for CVD risk management in Australian primary healthcare: a protocol for a process evaluation
Implementation Science Date published: -
SMARTHealth India: Development and Field Evaluation of a Mobile Clinical Decision Support System for Cardiovascular Diseases in Rural India
JMIR mHealth and uHealth Date published: