David Peiris's Publications
About David Peiris's Publications
Chief Scientist- Professor, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
- MBBS(hons),
- PhD,
Screening for atrial fibrillation during influenza vaccinations by primary care nurses using a smartphone electrocardiograph (iECG): A feasibility study
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology Date published: -
Examining the use of process evaluations of randomised controlled trials of complex interventions addressing chronic disease in primary health care-a systematic review protocol
Systematic Reviews Date published: -
Facilitating engagement through strong relationships between primary healthcare and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health Date published: -
Gender Inequalities in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Management in Australian Primary Health Care: Results from the TORPEDO Study
Heart, Lung and Circulation Date published: -
Towards sustainable partnerships in global health: the case of the CRONICAS Centre of Excellence in Chronic Diseases in Peru
Globalization and Health Date published: -
OC07_02 Feasibility of Practice Nurses Screening for Atrial Fibrillation Using Smartphone ECG During Flu-Vaccinations
Global Heart Date published: -
The Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases Supports 15 Major Studies in Hypertension Prevention and Control in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
The Journal of Clinical Hypertension Date published: -
Protocol-based management of older adults with hip fractures in Delhi, India: a feasibility study
Pilot and Feasibility Studies Date published: -
Effectiveness of fixed dose combination medication (‘polypills’) compared with usual care in patients with cardiovascular disease or at high risk: A prospective, individual patient data meta-analysis of 3140 patients in six countries
International Journal of Cardiology Date published: -
Characteristics and Clinical Course of STEMI Patients who Received no Reperfusion in the Australia and New Zealand SNAPSHOT ACS Registry
Heart, Lung and Circulation Date published: -
Prevalence of dysglycaemia in rural Andhra Pradesh: 2005, 2010, and 2014
Journal of Diabetes Date published: -
1 Deadly Step – process evaluation of a chronic disease screening program in NSW Aboriginal communities
Date published: -
‘It’s just statistics… I’m kind of a glass half-full sort of guy’: The Challenge of Differing Doctor-Patient Perspectives in the Context of Electronically Mediated Cardiovascular Risk Management
Communicating Risk Date published: -
Screening for atrial fibrillation during influenza vaccinations by primary care nurses using a smartphone electrocardiograph (iECG): A feasibility study
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology Date published: -
Feasibility of Practice Nurses Screening for Atrial Fibrillation Using Smartphone ECG During Flu-Vaccinations
Global Heart Date published: -
Incorporating Principles of Persuasive System Design into the Development of a Consumer-Focussed E-health Strategy Targeting Lifestyle Behaviour Change
Heart, Lung and Circulation Date published: