Devarsetty Praveen's Publications
About Devarsetty Praveen's Publications
Global Strategic Priority Lead - Better Care & Director Primary Health Care- Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
- MD,
- PhD
Suicide deaths in rural A ndhra P radesh - a cause for global health action
Tropical Medicine & International Health Date published: -
Protocol for developing the evidence base for a national salt reduction programme for India
BMJ Open Date published: -
Use of mHealth Systems and Tools for Non-Communicable Diseases in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: a Systematic Review
Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research Date published: -
Heart Failure Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
PLOS Medicine Date published: -
Comparability of HbA1c and lipids measured with dried blood spot versus venous samples: a systematic review and meta-analysis
BMC Clinical Pathology Date published: -
Salt intake assessed by 24 h urinary sodium excretion in a random and opportunistic sample in Australia
BMJ Open Date published: -
Using verbal autopsy to measure causes of death: the comparative performance of existing methods
BMC Medicine Date published: -
A multifaceted strategy using mobile technology to assist rural primary healthcare doctors and frontline health workers in cardiovascular disease risk management: protocol for the SMARTHealth India cluster randomised controlled trial
Implementation Science Date published: -
Study protocol: systematic review of the burden of heart failure in low- and middle-income countries
Systematic Reviews Date published: -
Determinants of Inhalant (Whitener) Use Among Street Children in a South Indian City
Substance Use & Misuse Date published: -
Effects on the estimated cause-specific mortality fraction of providing physician reviewers with different formats of verbal autopsy data
Population Health Metrics Date published: -
Population Health Metrics Research Consortium gold standard verbal autopsy validation study: design, implementation, and development of analysis datasets
Population Health Metrics Date published: