Elizabeth Dunford's Publications
About Elizabeth Dunford's Publications
Project Consultant- Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
Evaluation of a Salt-Reduction Consumer Awareness Campaign Targeted at Parents Residing in the State of Victoria, Australia
Nutrients Date published: -
Evaluation of a state-wide intervention on salt intake in primary schoolchildren living in Victoria, Australia
Public Health Nutrition Date published: -
Food Additives in Ultra-Processed Packaged Foods: An Examination of US Household Grocery Store Purchases
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Date published: -
Trends in sugar content of non-alcoholic beverages in Australia between 2015 and 2019 during the operation of a voluntary industry pledge to reduce sugar content
Public Health Nutrition Date published: -
An examination of public support for 35 nutrition interventions across seven countries
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition Date published: -
Availability, healthiness, and price of packaged and unpackaged foods in India: A cross-sectional study
Nutrition and Health Date published: -
Changes in the presence of non-nutritive sweeteners, sugar alcohols and free sugars in Australian foods
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Date published: -
Whole Grain and Refined Grains: An Examination of US Household Grocery Store Purchases
The Journal of Nutrition Date published: -
Estimating the potential impact of the Australian government’s reformulation targets on household sugar purchases
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Date published: -
The Contribution of Major Food Categories and Companies to Household Purchases of Added Sugar in Australia
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Date published: -
Junk Food Intake Among Adults in the United States
The Journal of Nutrition Date published: -
The Use of Non-Nutritive and Low-Calorie Sweeteners in 19,915 Local and Imported Pre-Packaged Foods in Hong Kong
Nutrients Date published: -
Estimating the potential impact of Australia’s reformulation programme on households’ sodium purchases
BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health Date published: -
Correction to: Contribution of major food companies and their products to household dietary sodium purchases in Australia
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Date published: -
Types and Amounts of Nonnutritive Sweeteners Purchased by US Households: A Comparison of 2002 and 2018 Nielsen Homescan Purchases
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Date published: -
Recent Trends in Junk Food Intake in U.S. Children and Adolescents, 2003-2016
American Journal of Preventive Medicine Date published: