Emily Atkins's Publications
About Emily Atkins's Publications
Senior Research Fellow-
Patients' and providers' perspectives of a dose administration aid strategy to improve cardiovascular disease prevention in Australian primary healthcare
BMC Health Services Research Date published: -
Effect of dose administration aids on adherence of self-administered medications: a systematic review
Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research Date published: -
Implementation of a data-driven quality improvement program in primary care for patients with coronary heart disease: a mixed methods evaluation of acceptability, satisfaction, barriers and enablers
Australian Journal of Primary Health Date published: -
The cost of treating hypertension in Australia, 2012-22: an economic analysis
Medical Journal of Australia Date published: -
Patients' and Providers' Perspectives of a Dose Administration Aid Strategy to Improve Cardiovascular Prevention in Australian Primary Healthcare
Heart, Lung and Circulation Date published: -
The Pathophysiology, Prognosis and Treatment of Hypertension in Females from Pregnancy to Post-menopause: A Review
Current Heart Failure Reports Date published: -
Process evaluation of a data-driven quality improvement program within a cluster randomised controlled trial to improve coronary heart disease management in Australian primary care
PLOS ONE Date published: -
Participants’ views of ultra-low dose combination therapy for high blood pressure: a mixed-methods study from the QUARTET trial
Journal of Human Hypertension Date published: -
Therapeutic Inertia With Initial Low-Dose Quadruple Combination Therapy for Hypertension: Results From the QUARTET Trial
Hypertension Date published: -
Ambulatory blood pressure after 12 weeks of quadruple combination of quarter doses of blood pressure medication vs. standard medication
Journal of Hypertension Date published: -
Utilisation of Chronic Disease and Mental Health Management Services and Cardioprotective Medication Prescriptions in Primary Care for Patients With Cardiovascular Diseases and Cancer: A Cross-Sectional Study
Heart, Lung and Circulation Date published: -
Long-Term Pattern and Associated Costs of Re-hospitalisations in Patients After Index Atrial Fibrillation Admission in Western Australia, 2011-2017
Heart, Lung and Circulation Date published: -
Effect of initial treatment with a single pill containing quadruple combination of quarter doses of blood pressure medicines versus standard dose monotherapy on ambulatory blood pressure indices
European Heart Journal Date published: -
Cost-effectiveness of ultra-low-dose quadruple combination therapy for high blood pressure
Heart Date published: -
Effect of Initial Treatment With a Single Pill Containing Quadruple Combination of Quarter Doses of Blood Pressure Medicines Versus Standard Dose Monotherapy in Patients With Hypertension on Ambulatory Blood Pressure Indices: Results From the QUARTET Study
Circulation Date published: -
Transforming blood pressure control in primary care through a novel Remote Decision Support Strategy based on wearable blood pressure monitoring: The NEXTGEN-BP randomized trial protocol
American Heart Journal Date published: