Jagnoor Jagnoor's Publications
About Jagnoor Jagnoor's Publications
Senior Research Fellow, Injury Program- Head, India Injury Division
- Co-director, WHO Collaborating Centre on Injury Prevention and Trauma Care
- Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
- Honorary Senior Lecturer, School of Public Health University of Sydney and The John Walsh Centre for Rehabilitation Research
- BDS,
- MPH,
- PhD
Opportunities for drowning interventions using existing government policy and programmes in India
Date published: -
Defining recovery in chronic whiplash: a qualitative study
The Clinical Journal of Pain Date published: -
Injuries as Global Health Risk Factor: Causes, Burden and prevention
Handbook of Global Health Date published: -
Keeping afloat: A case study tracing the emergence of drowning prevention as a health issue in Bangladesh 1999--2017
Injury Prevention Date published: -
Functional and employment outcomes following road traffic crashes in Queensland, Australia: Protocol for a prospective cohort study.
Journal of Transport & Health Date published: -
Context of water transport related drownings in Bangladesh: a qualitative study
BMC Public Health Date published: -
Positive recovery for low-risk injuries screened by the short form - Örebro musculoskeletal pain screening questionnaire following road traffic injury: evidence from an inception cohort study in New South Wales, Australia
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Date published: -
Out-of-pocket expenditure and catastrophic health expenditure for hospitalization due to injuries in public sector hospitals in North India
PLOS ONE Date published: -
Evidence-based care in high- and low-risk groups following whiplash injury: a multi-centre inception cohort study
BMC Health Services Research Date published: -
Diversity in the editorial boards of global health journals
BMJ Global Health Date published: -
Vulnerability to fatal drowning among the population in Southern Bangladesh: findings from a cross-sectional household survey
BMJ Open Date published: -
Mortality and health-related quality of life following injuries and associated factors: a cohort study in Chandigarh, North India
Injury Prevention Date published: -
Investigating the process of evidence-informed health policymaking in Bangladesh: a systematic review
Health Policy and Planning Date published: -
Enabling factors and barriers to the sustainability and scale-up of drowning reduction interventions in Vietnam: a qualitative assessment
Injury Prevention Date published: -
Differential Predictors of Pain Severity Over 12 Months Following Noncatastrophic Injury Sustained in a Road Traffic Crash
The Journal of Pain Date published: -
Exploring the impact, response and preparedness to water-related natural disasters in the Barisal division of Bangladesh: a mixed methods study
BMJ Open Date published: