Jagnoor Jagnoor's Publications
About Jagnoor Jagnoor's Publications
Senior Research Fellow, Injury Program- Head, India Injury Division
- Co-director, WHO Collaborating Centre on Injury Prevention and Trauma Care
- Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
- Honorary Senior Lecturer, School of Public Health University of Sydney and The John Walsh Centre for Rehabilitation Research
- BDS,
- MPH,
- PhD
The effect of a multidisciplinary co-management program for the older hip fracture patients in Beijing: a “pre- and post-” retrospective study
Archives of Osteoporosis Date published: -
Complexity in Implementing Community Drowning Reduction Programs in Southern Bangladesh: A Process Evaluation Protocol
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Date published: -
Trends of drowning mortality in Vietnam: evidence from the national injury mortality surveillance system
Injury Prevention Date published: -
Evidence-based care in high-and low-risk groups following whiplash injury: a multi-centre inception cohort study
BMC Health Services Research Date published: -
The association between water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) conditions and drowning in Bangladesh
Journal of Water and Health Date published: -
The impact and understanding of childhood drowning by a community in West Bengal, India, and the suggested preventive measures
Acta Paediatrica Date published: -
International Orthopaedic Multicenter Study in Fracture Care: Coordinating a Large-Scale Multicenter Global Prospective Cohort Study
Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma Date published: -
PW 1067 Improving recovery outcomes in burns survivors: a systems approach
Abstracts Date published: -
PA 17-6-1939 Safety perceptions and practices for drowning prevention among fishermen in bangladesh
Abstracts Date published: -
PW 1949 Safety perceptions and practices fhow beach users can be best reached with safety messages and intervention
Abstracts Date published: -
PA 14-4-2134 Designing a comprehensive drowning reduction project in rural communities: exrerience of bnagladesh
Abstracts Date published: -
PW 1062 Lived experiences, drownings and impact of water-related natural disasters in assam, india
Abstracts Date published: -
Rehabilitation practices for burn survivors in low and middle income countries: A literature review
Burns Date published: -
A mixed methods evaluation of yoga as a fall prevention strategy for older people in India
Pilot and Feasibility Studies Date published: -
Where to from here? A quality improvement project investigating burns treatment and rehabilitation practices in India
BMC Research Notes Date published: -
Identifying priority policy issues and health system research questions associated with recovery outcomes for burns survivors in India: a qualitative inquiry
BMJ Open Date published: