Julie Redfern's Publications

About Julie Redfern's Publications

Honorary Professorial Fellow
  • Socioeconomic Equity in the Receipt of In-Hospital Care and Outcomes in Australian Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients: The CONCORDANCE Registry

    Heart, Lung and Circulation Date published:
  • Choice of Health Options in Prevention of Cardiovascular Events (CHOICE) Replication Study

    Heart, Lung and Circulation Date published:
  • Perceptions of cardiac care providers towards oral health promotion in Australia

    Collegian Date published:
  • Medication reminder applications to improve adherence in coronary heart disease: a randomised clinical trial

    Heart Date published:
  • The effects of a lifestyle-focused text-messaging intervention on adherence to dietary guideline recommendations in patients with coronary heart disease: an analysis of the TEXT ME study

    International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Date published:
  • A qualitative evaluation of a simplified cardiovascular management program in Tibet, China

    Globalization and Health Date published:
  • Effectiveness, acceptability and usefulness of mobile applications for cardiovascular disease self-management: Systematic review with meta-synthesis of quantitative and qualitative data

    European Journal of Preventive Cardiology Date published:
  • Expertise and infrastructure capacity impacts acute coronary syndrome outcomes

    Australian Health Review Date published:
  • Healthcare resource utilisation by patients with coronary heart disease receiving a lifestyle-focused text message support program: an analysis from the TEXT ME study

    Australian Journal of Primary Health Date published:
  • TEXT messages to improve MEDication adherence and Secondary prevention (TEXTMEDS) after acute coronary syndrome: a randomised clinical trial protocol

    BMJ Open Date published:
  • Utilisation of Medicare-funded schemes for people with cardiovascular disease

    Australian Journal of Primary Health Date published:
  • MEDication reminder APPs to improve medication adherence in Coronary Heart Disease (MedApp-CHD) Study: a randomised controlled trial protocol

    BMJ Open Date published:
  • The effect of socioeconomic disadvantage on prescription of guideline-recommended medications for patients with acute coronary syndrome: systematic review and meta-analysis

    International Journal for Equity in Health Date published:
  • Measurement properties of the Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ) among older adults who present to the emergency department after a fall: a Rasch analysis

    BMC Health Services Research Date published:
  • Smart health and innovation: facilitating health-related behaviour change

    Proceedings of the Nutrition Society Date published:
  • Oral health and cardiovascular care: Perceptions of people with cardiovascular disease

    PLOS ONE Date published: