Kathy Trieu's Publications
About Kathy Trieu's Publications
Program Lead - Nutrition Implementation Research, Food Policy- Conjoint Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine UNSW
- PhD,
- MPH,
- BAppSc (Nutr&ExSpSc)
The cost-effectiveness of government actions to reduce sodium intake through salt substitutes in Vietnam
Unknown Date published: -
An Evaluation of the Victorian Salt Reduction Partnership’s Advocacy and Policy Strengthening Strategy
Unknown Date published: -
Estimating the potential impact of Australia’s reformulation programme on households’ sodium purchases
BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health Date published: -
Biomarkers of Dairy Fat Intake, Incident Cardiovascular Disease, and All-Cause Mortality: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Heart, Lung and Circulation Date published: -
Correction to: Contribution of major food companies and their products to household dietary sodium purchases in Australia
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Date published: -
Stakeholder Perspectives on the Effectiveness of the Victorian Salt Reduction Partnership
Unknown Date published: -
The cost-effectiveness of government actions to reduce sodium intake through salt substitutes in Vietnam
Unknown Date published: -
The effectiveness, feasibility, and acceptability of low-sodium salts worldwide: An environmental scan protocol
The Journal of Clinical Hypertension Date published: -
Unpack the Salt: an evaluation of the Victorian Salt Reduction Partnership’s media advocacy activities to highlight the salt content of different foods
Nutrition Journal Date published: -
Global salt reduction initiatives and lessons for Malaysia
Date published: -
Unpack the Salt: An evaluation of the Victorian Salt Reduction Partnership’s media advocacy activities to highlight the salt content of different foods
Unknown Date published: -
The cost-effectiveness of government actions to reduce sodium intake through salt substitutes in Vietnam
Unknown Date published: -
Sodium and potassium intakes in the Kazakhstan population estimated using 24-h urinary excretion: evidence for national action
European Journal of Nutrition Date published: -
Monitoring and implementation of salt reduction initiatives in Africa: A systematic review
The Journal of Clinical Hypertension Date published: -
Unpack the Salt: An evaluation of the Victorian Salt Reduction Partnership’s media advocacy activities to highlight the salt content of different foods
Unknown Date published: -
Diet, physical activity and obesity. Lecture in Global Approaches to Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes and Cancer Prevention (PHCM9786)
Date published: