Kris Rogers's Publications
About Kris Rogers's Publications
Senior Biostatistician- Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
- PhD,
- MBiostats
Assessment of a Salt Reduction Intervention on Adult Population Salt Intake in Fiji
Nutrients Date published: -
Risk factors for falls among older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in urban and regional communities
Australasian Journal on Ageing Date published: -
Estimating population salt intake in India using spot urine samples
Journal of Hypertension Date published: -
Predicting In-Hospital Mortality in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome in China
The American Journal of Cardiology Date published: -
Visual and refractive associations with falls after first-eye cataract surgery
Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Date published: -
MEDication reminder APPs to improve medication adherence in Coronary Heart Disease (MedApp-CHD) Study: a randomised controlled trial protocol
BMJ Open Date published: -
Sex differences in clinical characteristics and outcome after stroke: the HeadPoST trial
Date published: -
Communities driving change: evaluation of an Aboriginal driver licensing programme in Australia
Health Promotion International Date published: -
Cluster-Randomized, Crossover Trial of Head Positioning in Acute Stroke
New England Journal of Medicine Date published: -
Use of Antipsychotic Drugs by Elderly Primary Care Patients and the Effects of Medication Reviews: A Cross-Sectional Study in Sweden
Drugs - Real World Outcomes Date published: -
Depressive symptoms in older adults awaiting cataract surgery: methodological and statistical issues - response
Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology Date published: -
Quarter-dose quadruple combination therapy for initial treatment of hypertension: placebo-controlled, crossover, randomised trial and systematic review
The Lancet Date published: -
The Association of Knowledge and Behaviours Related to Salt with 24-h Urinary Salt Excretion in a Population from North and South India
Nutrients Date published: -
PrevenTing Falls in a high-risk, vision-impaired population through specialist ORientation and Mobility services: protocol for the PlaTFORM randomised trial
Injury Prevention Date published: -
Mean Dietary Salt Intake in Urban and Rural Areas in India: A Population Survey of 1395 Persons
Journal of the American Heart Association Date published: -
Predictors of older drivers’ involvement in rapid deceleration events
Accident Analysis & Prevention Date published: