Niveditha Devasenapathy

About Dr. Niveditha Devasenapathy

Program Lead, Academic Clinical Trials Unit

  • DBT/Wellcome trust India Alliance Intermediate fellow

Niveditha is a medical doctor, trained in clinical research and applied statistics with over 15 years of experience in clinical and public health research. She completed her Masters in Clinical Trials from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and PhD from Deakin University, Australia. She is a recipient of the prestigious DBT/Wellcome Trust–India alliance Intermediate Clinical and Public Health fellowship (2020) for the design and evaluation of a technology-based post knee arthroplasty rehabilitation monitoring strategy. She has been involved in the design and analysis of several multicentre randomised controlled trials in maternal health and cardiovascular disease.

At The George Institute India, she is Program Lead of Academic Clinical Trials Unit (ACTU), which aims to expand the capacity to conduct clinical trials for chronic diseases with an emphasis on quality and efficiency. She is also actively engaged in optimising management of clinical trials data using less resource-intensive methods. Prior to joining The George Institute, she worked for the Public Health Foundation of India, as an Associate Professor at the Indian Institute of Public Health-Delhi.

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