Rohina Joshi's Publications

About Rohina Joshi's Publications

Senior Research Fellow
  • Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
  • Challenges and enablers for scaling up interventions targeting non-communicable diseases: a qualitative study applying the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research to 19 research projects worldwide

    BMJ Public Health Date published:
  • Correction: Mabunda et al. Development, Objectives and Operation of Return-of-Service Bursary Schemes as an Investment to Build Health Workforce Capacity in South Africa: A Multi-Methods Study. Healthcare 2023, 11, 2821

    Healthcare Date published:
  • Correction: Mabunda et al. Development, Objectives and Operation of Return-of-Service Bursary Schemes as an Investment to Build Health Workforce Capacity in South Africa: A Multi-Methods Study. Healthcare 2023, 11, 2821

    Healthcare Date published:
  • Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population-representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults

    The Lancet Date published:
  • Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population-representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults

    The Lancet Date published:
  • Risk factors for incident cardiovascular events and their population attributable fractions in rural India: The Rishi Valley Prospective Cohort Study

    Tropical Medicine & International Health Date published:
  • Risk factors for incident cardiovascular events and their population attributable fractions in rural India: The Rishi Valley Prospective Cohort Study

    Tropical Medicine & International Health Date published:
  • Comparison of the performance of cardiovascular risk prediction tools in rural India: The Rishi Valley Prospective Cohort Study

    European Journal of Preventive Cardiology Date published:
  • Comparison of the performance of cardiovascular risk prediction tools in rural India: The Rishi Valley Prospective Cohort Study

    European Journal of Preventive Cardiology Date published:
  • Testing the effectiveness and acceptability of online supportive supervision for mental health practitioners in humanitarian settings: a study protocol for the caring for carers project

    BMC Psychiatry Date published:
  • Testing the effectiveness and acceptability of online supportive supervision for mental health practitioners in humanitarian settings: a study protocol for the caring for carers project

    BMC Psychiatry Date published:
  • Interpersonal Violence and Gender Inequality in Adolescents: A Systematic Analysis of Global Burden of Disease Data From 1990 to 2019

    Journal of Adolescent Health Date published:
  • Interpersonal Violence and Gender Inequality in Adolescents: A Systematic Analysis of Global Burden of Disease Data From 1990 to 2019

    Journal of Adolescent Health Date published:
  • Prioritising and planning scale-up research projects targeting non-communicable diseases: a mixed-method study by the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases upscaling working group

    BMJ Global Health Date published:
  • Prioritising and planning scale-up research projects targeting non-communicable diseases: a mixed-method study by the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases upscaling working group

    BMJ Global Health Date published:
  • Development, Objectives and Operation of Return-of-Service Bursary Schemes as an Investment to Build Health Workforce Capacity in South Africa: A Multi-Methods Study

    Healthcare Date published: