Shane Galgey
About Dr Shane Galgey
Project Manager & Medical Monitor
Dr. Shane Galgey MB BCh BAO NUI MRCP MRCS is an Irish trained physician in Gastroenterology, Hepatology, General Internal Medicine, with subspecialty training in HDU and Emergency Medicine.
He is currently works in Academic Project Operations in the divisions of Critical Care and Respiratory Medicine as a Project Manager/CRA. He also works as a Medical Monitor and provides Safety and Medical Advisory for Academic Project Operations Trials in TGI.
He is a keen researcher across TGI’s many therapeutic areas. He has an interest in Health Systems Research, Thought Leadership, Process Implementation Improvement, and Social Entrepreneurship. He recently has contributed to the Institute’s response to COVID-19 and is the Lead Investigator in a report exploring how to optimise clinical trials in the face of change to achieve maximum outputs.
Shane also holds a Conjoint Lecturer Position at UNSW School of Medicine.