Simone Pettigrew's Publications
About Simone Pettigrew's Publications
Program Head, Food Policy- PhD (Consumer Research)
The self-perceived health status of those not meeting fruit, vegetable or physical activity recommendations
Date published: -
UV meters in secondary schools pilot project: Final report
Date published: -
Young adults’ perceptions of the risks and benefits of e-cigarette use”,
Date published: -
Attributes used by consumers to assess alternative front-of-pack food labelling systems
Obesity Research & Clinical Practice Date published: -
The potential of front-of-pack labels on unhealthy foods to counteract the misleading effects of health claims
Obesity Research & Clinical Practice Date published: -
Community junior sport sponsorship: Children's responses to unhealthy food vs. pro-health sponsorship options
Obesity Research & Clinical Practice Date published: -
Seniors’ food shopping priorities
Obesity Research & Clinical Practice Date published: -
Dimensions of attitudes to autonomous vehicles
Urban, Planning and Transport Research Date published: -
Assessment of the objective understanding of 5 models of Front-of-Package labels in argentine consumers: results from a comparative study.
Diaeta Date published: -
Comparison of front-of-pack labels to help German consumers understand the nutritional quality of food products: Color-coded labels outperform all other systems,Vergleich von Front-of-Pack-Kennzeichnungen zur Aufklärung deutscher VerbraucherInnen über den Nährwert von Lebensmitteln: Farbkodierte Kennzeichnungen übertreffen alle anderen Systeme
Ernahrungs Umschau Date published: -
A longitudinal examination of protective behavioral strategies and alcohol consumption among adult drinkers
Addictive Behaviors Date published: -
The impact of unhealthy food sponsorship vs. pro-health sponsorship models on young adults’ food preferences: a randomised controlled trial
BMC Public Health Date published: -
Can front-of-pack labels influence portion size judgements for unhealthy foods? - CORRIGENDUM
Public Health Nutrition Date published: -
Evaluation of a Workplace Health and Wellbeing Training Course Delivered Online and Face-To-Face
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Date published: -
Regulation of alcohol marketing in Australia: A critical review of the Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code Scheme's new Placement Rules
Drug and Alcohol Review Date published: -
A randomized trial assessing the effects of health claims on choice of foods in the presence of front-of-pack labels
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Date published: