Simone Pettigrew's Publications
About Simone Pettigrew's Publications
Program Head, Food Policy- PhD (Consumer Research)
Objective Understanding of Front-of-Package Nutrition Labels: An International Comparative Experimental Study across 12 Countries
Nutrients Date published: -
Attitudinal and behavioural responses to increasing tobacco control regulation among high smoking prevalence groups: A qualitative study
Drug and Alcohol Review Date published: -
Effectiveness of Warning Labels at Increasing Awareness of Alcohol-Related Cancer Risk Among Heavy Drinkers
Journal of Global Oncology Date published: -
New Approaches to Skin Cancer Prevention: Can Encouraging Skin Checking Increase Engagement in Sun Protection Behaviours?
Journal of Global Oncology Date published: -
E-cigarette product preferences among Australian young adult e-cigarette users
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health Date published: -
Differences in use of electronic nicotine delivery systems by smoking status and demographic characteristics among Australian young adults
Health Promotion Journal of Australia Date published: -
The Potential Implications of Autonomous Vehicles in and around the Workplace
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Date published: -
The effect of chronic disease warning statements on alcohol-related health beliefs and consumption intentions among at-risk drinkers
Health Education Research Date published: -
Brief Report: The Unrealized Potential of Autonomous Vehicles for an Aging Population
Journal of Aging & Social Policy Date published: -
Behind Closed Doors: The Priorities of the Alcohol Industry as Communicated in a Trade Magazine
Frontiers in Public Health Date published: -
Assessing Audience Members' Ability to Identify the Media Source of a Health Campaign Disseminated via Different Media
Frontiers in Public Health Date published: -
Can front-of-pack labels influence portion size judgements for unhealthy foods?
Public Health Nutrition Date published: -
The health benefits of autonomous vehicles: public awareness and receptivity in Australia
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health Date published: -
“Charity Begins at Home”: Informal Caring Barriers to Formal Volunteering Among Older People
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations Date published: -
A Typology of Factors Influencing Seniors’ Participation in Strength Training in Gyms and Fitness Centers
Journal of Aging and Physical Activity Date published: -
The association between exposure to social media alcohol marketing and youth alcohol use behaviors in India and Australia
BMC Public Health Date published: