Stephen Jan's Publications
About Stephen Jan's Publications
Head of Health Economics and Process Evaluation Program- Co-Director, Health System Science
- Professor of Health Economics, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
The economic value of prevention
Date published: -
Does Socio-Economic Status Predict Melanoma Thickness, Disease-Free Survival or Melanoma-Specific Survival? A Prospective Single-Centre Cohort Study in Australia
Date published: -
Equity in hospital services utilisation in India
Economic and Political Weekly Date published: -
Randomised controlled trial protocol: Physical activity and exercise in adults with intellectual disability
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport Date published: -
Aerobic fitness, functional exercise capacity and muscle strength of adults with intellectual disability
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport Date published: -
Primary scene responses by Helicopter Emergency Medical Services in New South Wales Australia 2008-2009
BMC Health Services Research Date published: -
Effects and cost-effectiveness of a guideline-oriented primary healthcare hypertension management program in Beijing, China: results from a 1-year controlled trial
Hypertension Research Date published: -
Hydroxyethyl Starch or Saline for Fluid Resuscitation in Intensive Care
New England Journal of Medicine Date published: -
The cost-effectiveness of physician staffed Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) transport to a major trauma centre in NSW, Australia
Injury Date published: -
Patient Preferences for the Allocation of Deceased Donor Kidneys for Transplantation: A Mixed Methods Study
Transplantation Date published: -
Exploring the economics of helicopter rescue in Australia
Medical Journal of Australia Date published: -
How Are Household Economic Circumstances Affected After a Stroke? The Psychosocial Outcomes In StrokE (POISE) Study
Stroke Date published: -
Rationing scarce organs for transplantation: healthcare provider perspectives on wait-listing and organ allocation
Clinical Transplantation Date published: -
Variations in car crash-related hospitalization costs amongst young adults in New South Wales, Australia
Injury Date published: -
The variation of acute treatment costs of trauma in high-income countries
BMC Health Services Research Date published: -
Returning to Paid Employment after Stroke: The Psychosocial Outcomes In StrokE (POISE) Cohort Study
PLOS ONE Date published: