Vivekanand Jha's Publications
About Vivekanand Jha's Publications
Executive Director, The George Institute for Global Health, India- PHD
Santander Statement: Towards Global Convergence in Transplantation: Sufficiency, Transparency, and Oversight
Transplantation Date published: -
Regional hotspots for chronic kidney disease: A multinational study from the ISN-GKHA
PLOS Global Public Health Date published: -
Landscape of kidney replacement therapy provision in low- and lower-middle income countries: A multinational study from the ISN-GKHA
PLOS Global Public Health Date published: -
International prevalence patterns of low eGFR in adults aged 18-60 without traditional risk factors from a population-based cross-sectional disadvantaged populations eGFR epidemiology (DEGREE) study.
Kidney International Date published: -
Systematic scoping review of socioeconomic burden and associated psychosocial impact in patients with rare kidney diseases and their caregivers
Kidney International Reports Date published: -
The International Society of Nephrology Collaborative Quality Framework to Support Safe and Effective Dialysis Provision in Resource-Challenged Settings
Kidney International Reports Date published: -
Global Policy and Advocacy Initiatives for Improving Kidney Care
Kidney360 Date published: -
Effect of cholecalciferol supplementation on CVD, inflammation and bone metabolism markers in CKD: results of feasibility phase of randomized double blind controlled placebo trial
Unknown Date published: -
Breaking Barriers: The Case for Inclusive Leadership in Medicine
Indian Journal of Nephrology Date published: -
Long-Term Results from an Open-Label Extension Study of Atacicept for the Treatment of IgA Nephropathy
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Date published: -
Nature’s Cure or Kidney Curse? The Nephrotoxic Potential of Indigenous Remedies
Indian Journal of Nephrology Date published: -
Santander Global Summit in Transplantation: Supporting Global Convergence in the Shared Goals of Sufficiency, Transparency, and Oversight
Transplantation Date published: -
Transplantation: A Priority in the Healthcare Agenda
Transplantation Date published: -
A global snapshot on health systems capacity for detection, monitoring, and management of acute kidney injury: A multinational study from the ISN-GKHA
PLOS Global Public Health Date published: -
Progress of nations in the organisation of, and structures for, kidney care delivery between 2019 and 2023: cross sectional survey in 148 countries
BMJ Date published: -
Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial of a Passive Non-invasive Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) Device for Delivering Positive Pressure Therapy Compared to Standard Care in Non-critically Ill Patients With COVID-19
Cureus Date published: