@article{21307, author = {Anderson Craig and Watkins C. and Forshaw D. and Lightbody L.}, title = {Role of emergency care staff in managing acute stroke}, abstract = {

In June, the University of Central Lancashire opened its clinical trials unit, where staff will run complex intervention trials in a range of care areas, including stroke, musculoskeletal health, public health and mental health. One of the first trials looks at how hospital nursing policies in the first 24 hours after patients have had stroke affect their subsequent survival and disabilities. Known as HeadPoST, the study will recruit 20,000 patients globally, with the 6,000 UK research participants managed by Lancashire. This article explores the role of emergency nurses in supporting the research.

}, year = {2014}, journal = {Emergency Nurse}, volume = {22}, edition = {2014/09/05}, number = {5}, pages = {18-9}, month = {-7893230102}, isbn = {1354-5752 (Print)
1354-5752 (Linking)}, note = {Watkins, Caroline
Anderson, Craig
Forshaw, Denise
Lightbody, Liz
Emerg Nurse. 2014 Sep;22(5):18-9. doi: 10.7748/en.22.5.18.e1363.}, language = {eng}, }