Our research

At The George Institute, we believe everyone has the right to live a healthy life. Our research finds solutions to the world’s biggest health challenges, striving to make that right a reality for all.

We work with partners and communities across the world to conduct rigorous, high-quality research to make a real difference to people’s health, particularly those facing the most barriers, advancing our vision of global health equity.

Researchers from The George Institute testing blood sugar during the Impact Diabetes project

Explore stories that highlight the life-changing impact of our work - improving care, access, and delivering innovative solutions.

The George Institute Research Strategy 2030

Our Strategy 2030 focuses on equity, resilience, and impact. Guided by this vision, our research tackles critical health issues with practical solutions to improve treatments, care delivery, and promote healthier lives.

To support this, the Centre for Operational and Research Excellence (CORE) ensures the highest standards of quality and efficiency across all research activities. CORE provides:

  • Data management
  • Project operations
  • Quality assurance
  • Research strategy and training
  • Statistical services
Our communities

At the George Institute for Global Health, we are committed to: improving our research by making it more relevant, responsive, translatable, and accountable to our communities; and ensuring their involvement is a fundamental aspect of all projects at the Institute. To facilitate this, we have developed a framework to establish a common understanding of community engagement and involvement across our global offices and research programs.

We are putting this commitment into action by establishing committees such as Australia's Consumer and Community Advisory Committee (CCAC), and consumer panels in some of our Programs, such as Brain, Cardiovascular, and Renal and Metabolic Health, we are committed to having meaningful engagement with the people who our research will affect.

Professor Bruce Neal, Executive Director of The George Institute Australia, addressing the Consumer and Community Advisory Committee (CCAC) at our Sydney Office