Consumer and Community

Consumer and Community Involvement

The George Institute Australia is committed to connecting with members of the Australian community who share an interest in our research.

Experience and insights shared by consumers and communities are essential to our work, and our mission to improve the health of millions worldwide. 

The George Institute is working together with consumers at all levels of our organisation – including:

  • Advising our research leaders, executives and operational support staff on Consumer and Community Involvement (CCI) strategy and implementation
  • Contributing to the development of CCI plans for our research programs
  • Becoming part of research project teams

The George Institute, Australia provides infrastructure and support for consumers, researchers and other staff members




CCI program

Consumer and Community Involvement (CCI) Program

The Consumer and Community Involvement Program supports CCI at the Institute by providing advice, guidance, and resources to consumers and researchers. The CCI Program facilitates partnerships between researchers and consumers; develops our consumer network; shares knowledge with relevant stakeholders; and supports the Consumer and Community Advisory Committee.

CCI advisory committee

Consumer and Community Advisory Committee

The Consumer and Community Advisory Committee oversees consumer involvement at the Institute. The Committee provides guidance and oversight of the strategy, planning and implementation of CCI. It works with key staff, including executives, operational staff, and research program leads. Read more

CCI future

The future

The future CCI webpages (in development) and Consumer and Community Network Register are platforms that will assist with the sharing of information and provide more opportunities for consumers and community members to get involved.

Research Programs

Research Programs are focused on areas of health e.g., kidney, brain, and cardiovascular health, currently obtain CCI by:

  • Establishing Consumer Panels that contribute to research projects and program-level initiatives. Find out more about Consumer panels here
  • Working with external consumer groups relevant to the research e.g., the Brain Health Program works with the Stroke Foundation
CCI projects


Research program

Projects are situated within (and sometimes span across) research programs, are involving consumers by:

  • Partnering with them – including seeking consumer co-investigators; and where appropriate, appointing Honorary Consumer Fellows (a formal appointment that acknowledges consumers as key members of the research team)
  • Asking them to share their lived experience perspectives as members of project steering committees and/or consumer reference groups.

Watch this space

There is more information coming on our website about CCI at The George Institute including:

  • What CCI in health research looks like
  • The George Institute’s Consumer and Community Network
  • How health consumers and community members can become involved
  • The opportunity to register your interest in the network


In the meantime, please feel free to contact the Consumer and Community Involvement Program via email: