
Our insightful podcasts provide unique, expert perspectives on key health topics. Hear in-depth discussions between field leaders and expand your knowledge of research innovations and emerging trends shaping the future of global health.


Worlds Collide: Growing up in non-Western culture & effect on thinking about global health

Episode 9

Duration 15 mins - 30 mins

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Women's health

A discussion about the Lancet Commission on Women and Cancer - Dr Ophira Ginsburg and Dr Carinna Hockham

Episode 8

Duration 30 mins - 45 mins

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Women's health

Perspectives, practices, and environmental footprints related to menstrual hygiene management in India

Episode 7

Duration 30 mins - 45 mins

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Women's health

Tackling the stigma: let's talk about menstrual health in India

Episode 6

Duration 30 mins - 45 mins

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Health systems science

Primary health care a fundamental right of communities in India

Episode 5

Duration 30 mins - 45 mins

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Health systems science

ASHAs the backbone of India's primary health care

Episode 4

Duration 30 mins - 45 mins

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Health systems science

Living through crisis: the COVID-19 situation in India

Episode 3

Duration 30 mins - 45 mins

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Mental health

Fighting stigma in mental health in India

Episode 2

Duration 30 mins - 45 mins

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Mental health

Tackling common mental disorder in rural areas in India

Episode 1

Duration 30 mins - 45 mins

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The Scan Trailer

Episode Trailer

Duration 15 mins or less

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What are non-communicable diseases (NCDs)

Episode 14

Duration 15 mins or less

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