ONLINE EVENT Building Back Better after COVID19: The Research Agenda

Recording of the George Institute for Global Health's online video premiere and launch event on 3 September 2020 for a new advocacy initiative titled 'Building Back Better after COVID-19: The Research Agenda'.

This recording opens with the screening of a video with insights from academics, experts by experience, research partners and policymakers, on the impact of the pandemic on the management and prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), and the emerging research priorities and questions that emerge as a consequence. This is followed by an interactive discussion chaired by The George Institute's Chief Scientist, Professor Anushka Patel, with some of the experts featured in the video, and others, to progress understanding for how best to sustain life-saving research and treatments for NCDs during COVID-19, and in preparation for any future pandemics.

To find out more about this initiative, please follow us on Twitter @georgeinstitute with #BuildingBackBetter #COVID19 #ActOnNCDs

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