New resources for breathlessness

Ahead of World Lung Day (September 25th) Dr Anthony Sunjaya and the Respiratory Division has developed some new resources to help people understand more about breathlessness.
Breathlessness is a condition where you often feel out of breath. People sometimes describe it as feeling puffed or winded, that they are not getting enough air, or that they can’t take a deep enough breath. It can sometimes be a symptom of an underlying medical condition and more awareness is needed so people and health professionals know to discuss it.
Anthony's been working with consumers, clinicians, and research partner organisations to improve understanding of breathlessness, and these resources are the first in what is planned to be a series of items to raise awareness, improve outcomes for patients with the condition, and reduce provider burden in managing it.
Anthony is a medical doctor from Indonesia and Chief Investigator of the Breathlessness Rapid Evaluation and THErapy (BREATHE) study funded by the Australian Government Medical Research Future Fund. His research focuses on cardiorespiratory diseases, complex chronic diseases, primary care and digital health especially the development, implementation and validation of decision support systems, AI, and virtual care. He has a special interest in supporting universal health coverage, improving care, especially in low-resource settings and primary care through the use of innovative evidence-based solutions.
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