Soumyadeep Bhaumik

Research Fellow, Injury Division; Research Fellow, Policy Impact, The George Institute India

How did you start out in medicine and how did you get to where you are now?

I grew up in West Bengal, just across the street from a rural hospital where my parents worked. As a result, I saw firsthand the difference health care made to people’s lives. Dinner conversations at home revolved around health system issues such as the gaps, what more could be done, and what was preventing changes that would improve the system.

Kelly Thompson

Program Manager, Global Women’s Health, and Research Fellow, Division of Critical Care & Trauma, The George Institute for Global Health

What inspired you to work in health research, and what keeps you motivated?

David Peiris

Director, Global Primary Health Care Program and Co-Director of Health System Science, The George Institute for Global Health
Professor Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney

What inspired you to work in health research, and what's your background?

I came to research fairly late in my career. I'd been a practicing GP for about maybe 12 years and I was always very much more clinically focused. But in my clinical work, my passion was always around delivering good primary health care to underserved populations.

Bruce Neal

Executive Director, George Institute Australia
Professor of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
Honorary Professor, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney
Professor of Clinical Epidemiology, Imperial College London

What inspired you to work in health research?