How to Support Your Teen Learning To Drive

It's something most parents have to deal with at some stage - putting those learner plates on the car and taking off with your child at the wheel.

Young drivers are at very high risk of a crash in their first year of solo driving, and account for about 25 percent of fatal crashes due to risk factors such as inexperience, distractions, speed and fatigue. To help address this, all Australian States and Territories have a graduated licensing system.

Evidence-based practice - are we there yet?

We visit doctors for two main reasons: for help with issues that are causing us pain or discomfort, and less commonly, to prevent such conditions.

When we take a medicine, have a blood test, x-ray or a procedure, we expect that these will benefit us and that the benefits will outweigh any potential risks or dangers.

We naturally expect our doctors to guide us according to what is best for us, safest and most effective. But, how would we feel if there was no clear evidence that treatments we were given effective or truly safe?