Support for the Data Availability and Transparency Bill 2020

big data

The George Institute for Global Health welcomes the opportunity to make this submission to the Data Availability and Transparency Bill 2020 [Provisions] and Data Availability and Transparency (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2020 [Provisions] (bills) inquiry by the Senate Finance and Public Administration Committees.

The George Institute recommends the Senate support the passage of the bills. We believe they will mitigate risk and create opportunity for accredited users, that will most definitely include Australian health and medical researchers, to undertake research and development in line with community expectations.

In addition, The George Institute is pleased to outline as a case study our newly created online research register, Join Us. It is a piece of national research infrastructure that securely stores de-identified health data over the long-term for ongoing health and medical research. The passage of the bills will benefit Join Us as a potential future accredited user, which will help Australia increase its global competitiveness as a location to do world class research.

Read the full submission here (PDF 218 KB)