Economic evaluation and health technology assessment

Program overview:

Economic evaluation involves an assessment of the costs of outcomes of health sector interventions to determine their value for money to governments and other payers. This involves cost effectiveness or cost-utility or cost-benefit studies, carried out alongside intervention trials. The evidence from such studies is critical in informing government to optimize their investment decisions in the health sector.

Health technology assessment (HTA) is a framework which governments use to embed the use of cost-effectiveness evidence in their decisions to fund new drugs, devices and medical procedures. It is increasing being used by governments around the world to ensure evidence-based investment of scarce health care resources and provides them a tool to achieve universal health coverage in a financially sustainable manner.

We have an extensive ongoing program of economic evaluation and HTA studies led by our team of health economists along with researchers at the Institute and across our collaborations. In addition, we conduct training programs in economic evaluation and health technology assessment with governments and funders in Australia, China, Sri Lanka and India.

Dr Emily Atkins Senior Research Fellow The George Institute
Health systems science

Dr Emily Atkins

Senior Research Fellow