Research projects

Our research projects are where innovation and theory meet real-world impact. Built within our key areas of research, every research project is designed to solve a specific challenge. From early detection and prevention to advancing care, these targeted initiatives drive local change on a global scale. Explore individual projects and learn how they’re shaping the future of health for communities where support is needed most.


Women's health

Pregnancy as an opportunity to improve lifelong health, SMARThealth Pregnancy


Global Surgery and Trauma Research


SUcceSS: SUrgery for Spinal Stenosis – a randomised placebo-controlled trial

Mental health

DAYARA: Developing and testing An intervention to promote psYchological wellbeing Among Scheduled TRibe communities in Andhra Pradesh

Brain health

ACT-GLOBAL: A multi-faCtorial, mulTi-arm, multi-staGe, randomised, gLOBal Adaptive pLatform trial for stroke


Community Action for Safe Speeds (CASS) Study


Comparison of removable off-loading device and routine care to heal plantar ulcers due to leprosy and diabetes in the community

Mental health

ASHVINS: Managing Depression in Cancer Patients in India

Health systems science

The Resilience Collaborative 2024: Enhancing healthcare worker resilience by co-developing evidence-based solutions for scale (RECONNECTIONS)

Mental health

ANUMATI 2.0: Adolescent resilience-building in urban slums – A multifaceted implementation trial of life skills education in India

Health systems science

Research priority setting as a tool for justice and fairness in climate and health knowledge ecosystem

Critical care

Fludrocortisone in ICU patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (FLASH trial)


Walking with the low back pain patient: understanding the patient journey


Translating Research Findings in Surgery


TEXT4myBACK: A text message intervention to improve function in people with low back pain


The Meniscal Transplant surgery or Optimised Rehabilitation full randomised trial (MeTeOR2)


HEalth literacy in Low back Pain – the HELP media intervention study

Health systems science

Policy and legal review of organ transplantation in six countries

Health equity

PATANG: Promoting Community Action for Health - A Co-Produced, Technology-Enabled Platform to Achieve National Goals


Housing, home and health: Social housing and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in urban New South Wales

Food policy

ecoSwitch App

Food policy

GlutenSwitch App

Brain health

International Care Bundle Evaluation in Cerebral Hemorrhage Research (I-CATCHER)


Vehicle safety for older drivers and passengers