Translating Research Findings in Surgery
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- With the expanding body of clinical knowledge in surgical procedures, driven by evidence-based research and clinician experience, the demand for translating research findings into practice and implementing changes is increasing.
- The adoption of new techniques and phasing out of old ones in clinical practice can be slow, facing many barriers and significantly impacting patient outcomes.
- To increase the efficiency and effectiveness of translating research findings into surgical clinical practice by connecting evidence-based research results with surgical clinical practice and ultimately improve patient outcomes.
- A keystone to the project is working closely with clinicians and a diverse range of experts to identify the barriers and facilitators of translating research findings into practice, ultimately culminating in an implementation framework for surgery.
Research Methodology
- The research project will be collaborative in nature, with a four-step approach for developing a useful framework for clinicians, researchers, local health districts, and clinical guideline bodies to reference for implementing evidence-based care in identified surgical procedures.
- The approach begins with baseline data collection through scoping reviews and clinician surveys. This informs discussions in the second phase, an international forum led by the research team and key partners. The third phase synthesises forum outcomes into the surgical implementation framework, which is then disseminated to clinical associations and health care leaders in Australia and globally in the fourth phase.