Anthony Sunjaya is a medical doctor from Indonesia and Honorary Fellow at the Respiratory and Health Systems Division, The George Institute for Global Health, UNSW Sydney, Australia. He is also an Honorary Research Fellow at the School of Public Health, Imperial College London and a Visiting Researcher at the Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals.
His research focuses on cardiorespiratory diseases, complex chronic diseases, primary care, and digital health especially the development, validation and translation of decision support systems, AI, and virtual care. He has a special interest in supporting universal health coverage, improving care, especially in low-resource settings and primary care through the use of innovative evidence-based solutions.
He is Chief Investigator of the Breathlessness Rapid Evaluation and THErapy (BREATHE) trial funded by the Australian Government Medical Research Future Fund to optimise the assessment and management of chronic breathlessness in primary care through implementation of a clinical decision support system for breathlessness across 40 GP practices in Australia building upon work during his PhD which was supported by the UNSW Scientia PhD program.
He is currently Chair, Primary Care SIG, Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ); Chair, Membership Committee, Society of Medical Decision Making (SMDM); Vice-Chair of the Digital Transformation Leadership working group in the International Society for Telemedicine and e-Health (ISfTeH), and Editorial Advisory Board member of the Annals of Family Medicine. He is also an active social entrepreneur and co-founder of BantingMed, a diabetes digital health startup.
He was previously President of Postgraduate Council UNSW and ASEAN Society UNSW, a delegate to the 2023 Group of 7 Youth Summit in Japan and has contributed to reports for the World Health Organization and Asthma Australia.