salt substitutes lower risks

Cardiovascular health

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for more than 17 million deaths a year - and the figure is rising.

The problem is particularly acute in low- and middle- income countries, where the need for initiatives addressing cardiovascular health has been identified as a global health priority. Underserved communities such as these typically have low budgets for health screening and treatment, as well as prevention, making accessing information and care more difficult.

The George Institute aims to combat this. Our Cardiovascular Program is investigating new strategies for preventing and treating cardiovascular diseases and initiating changes in clinical practice and government policy to reverse the impact of these killer diseases.
  • #1

    cause of death and disability in the world

  • 35%

    of deaths in women globally ARE due to CVD

  • 80%

    CVD deaths are caused by heart attacks and strokes

  • 33%

    CVD deaths are premature (in those aged under 70)

Our research targets the primary risk factors for cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, kidney disease, and smoking. We are also focusing on sex specific risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as hypertensive and metabolic disorders of pregnancy. As major cardiometabolic risk factors and conditions significantly impact morbidity and mortality, addressing them can have a positive impact on individuals and populations across the globe. Beyond prevention, we are testing novel therapies to treat cardiovascular, and more broadly, cardio-kidney-metabolic disease. This includes the development of affordable polypills to improve adherence to CVD medications, clinical outcomes, and quality of life for patients.

We have multiple projects underway in various countries across the globe focused on generating strong evidence that can effect real change in practice and policy. The George Institute Cardiovascular Health Consumer Panel provides valuable input into our projects from the perspectives of those with lived experiences of cardiovascular disease.

Our Projects

Cardiovascular health

Shop-to-Stop Hypertension: A public screening campaign to detect and manage raised blood pressure in Australian adults

Cardiovascular health

NEXTGEN-BP: Cuffless wearable blood pressure monitoring to improve patient outcomes

Women's health Cardiovascular health

DIVINE NSW: Preventing Type 2 Diabetes among women who experience gestational diabetes

Cardiovascular health

Predicting cardiovascular risk using routine mammograms

Cardiovascular health

Evaluating digoxin treatment in patients with rheumatic heart disease - A randomised placebo-controlled trial

Cardiovascular health Women's health


Cardiovascular health

VERONICA: deliVERy of Optimal blood pressure coNtrol in afrICA

Cardiovascular health

MAT Study: Determining the effects of metformin among people with small abdominal aortic aneurysms

Unlocking potential: The George Institute’s research advocates for regulations to enhance safety of medicine provision through E-Pharmacies in India and Kenya

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Study exposes Australia’s $1.2B bill to treat high blood pressure

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New research shows urgency to act on Nigeria’s trans fat elimination policy

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High blood pressure still biggest killer of Australians

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Boosting potassium is key for blood pressure control, study suggests

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Potassium-enriched salt is the missing ingredient in hypertension guidelines

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Bite size: What can we do differently? Learning to live again after stroke - insights for research and individuals

Episode 27

Duration 15 mins - 30 mins

Icon headphone

Blood pressure trial rolls out in 30 Bunnings stores

Published date

Bitesize: What if we could switch the salt to reduce blood pressure?

Episode 26

Duration 15 mins - 30 mins

Icon headphone

Bitesize: What high Blood Pressure means for your brain

Episode 16

Duration 15 mins or less

Icon headphone

PRISM series - stories of impact: Tackling the world's biggest killers

Published date

#GeorgeTalks on Salt Substitutes: Reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack

Published date
Otavio Berwanger
Cardiovascular health

Professor Otavio Berwanger

Executive Director, The George Institute for Global Health, UK
Dr Clare Arnott
Cardiovascular health

Associate Professor Clare Arnott

Global Director of Cardiovascular Program
Cardiovascular health

Dr. Mohammad Abdul Salam

Program Head, Cardiovascular Research
Professor Anthony Rodgers Professorial Fellow, Professoriate, The George Institute
Cardiovascular health Health systems science

Professor Anthony Rodgers

Professorial Fellow, Professoriate
Professor Alta Schutte
Cardiovascular health

Professor Alta Schutte

Program Head, Blood Pressure Research
Cardiovascular health

Baldeep Kaur

Senior Project Manager
Amy Clayton
Cardiovascular health

Zoe Clayton

Program Manager, Cardiovascular