Trauma and injury
More than 5.8 million people die each year as a result of injuries, accounting for 10% of the world's deaths. Despite the enormous burden, the global epidemic of injury is poorly recognized, with a critical need for investment in preventative programs and more affordable, accessible care.
In China, injury represents a significant and growing public health concern. The recent released “Healthy China 2030” blueprint guide by the State Council of China highlighted injury control as one of the long-term national health initiatives. The Injury and Trauma unit seeks to develop and evaluate novel cost-effective programs to reduce the burden of injury, influence policy and scale up proven programs for sustainable change. Our work covers a range of topics from surveillance, observational studies and large scale pragmatic intervention trials through to program evaluation and policy research.
We have recently commenced the International Orthopaedic Multicenter Study in Fracture Care (INORMUS). It is an observational study across three continents, 18 countries and 40 clinical sites with over 40,000 participants. The study results will determine the burden of musculoskeletal trauma and identify modifiable factors associated with complications. The findings will help develop important interventions to reduce morbidity and mortality in musculoskeletal trauma patients in the developing world. From the clinical perspective, we are working very closely with Jishuitan Hospital, the national leading orthopedics hospital to develop and evaluate the clinical pathway for management of patients with hip fracture.