Craig Anderson's Publications
About Craig Anderson's Publications
Director, Brain Health Program, The George Institute- Professor of Neurology and Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
A prospective study to determine the factors associated with delayed diagnosis or misdiagnosis of cerebellar infarction
Date published: -
Clinical outcomes among younger adults with stroke registered in the Australian Stroke Clinical Registry (AuSCR)
Date published: -
Atlas of the Global Burden of Stroke (1990-2013): The GBD 2013 Study
Neuroepidemiology Date published: -
Sex Differences in Stroke Incidence, Prevalence, Mortality and Disability-Adjusted Life Years: Results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013
Neuroepidemiology Date published: -
Update on the Global Burden of Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke in 1990-2013: The GBD 2013 Study
Neuroepidemiology Date published: -
Developing a national salt reduction strategy for Mongolia.
Cardiovasc Diagn Ther Date published: -
Affected Twins in the Familial Intracranial Aneurysm Study
Cerebrovascular Diseases Date published: -
Author Response
Neurology Date published: -
Outcomes for younger adults with stroke in the Australian Stroke Clinical Registry (AUSCR)
pan class="rg-author">Anderson CS; Cadilhac DA; Lannin NA; Kilkenny MF; Dewey HM; Grimley R; Faux S; Castley H; Bladin C; Middleton SM, 2015, 'Outcomes for younger adults with stroke in the Australian Stroke Clinical Registry (AUSCR)', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE Date published: -
The quality of care provided to patients hospitalised with a transient ischemic attack
pan class="rg-author">Cadilhac D; Kim J; Lannin N; Levi C; Andrew N; Kilkenny M; Grabsch B; Dewey H; Hill K; Faux S; Grimley R; Middleton S; Anderson C; Donnan GAO, 2015, 'The quality of care provided to patients hospitalised with a transient ischemic attack', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE Date published: -
Implications of INTERACT2 and Other Clinical Trials
Stroke Date published: -
Older age is a strong predictor for poor outcome in intracerebral haemorrhage: the INTERACT2 study
Age and Ageing Date published: -
The speed of ultraearly hematoma growth in acute intracerebral hemorrhage
Neurology Date published: -
Evolution of Practice During the Interventional Management of Stroke III Trial and Implications for Ongoing Trials
Stroke Date published: -
Genome-Wide Association Study of Intracranial Aneurysm Identifies a New Association on Chromosome 7
Stroke Date published: -
Ambient Temperature and Volume of Perihematomal Edema in Acute Intracerebral Haemorrhage: The INTERACT1 Study
International Journal of Stroke Date published: