Craig Anderson's Publications
About Craig Anderson's Publications
Director, Brain Health Program, The George Institute- Professor of Neurology and Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
Prolonged hypotension following elective stenting of an internal carotid artery stenosis
Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery Date published: -
Prolonged hypotension following elective stenting of an internal carotid artery stenosis
BMJ Case Reports Date published: -
Challenges to establishing a global clinical trial of stroke nursing care: Experience of the head position in acute stroke trial (HeadPoST)
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Frequency and determinants of early return to driving after stroke
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How comfortable are clinicians with discussing difficult issues for patients with acute stroke?
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The Head Position in Acute Stroke Trial (HeadPoST): Background and rationale
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Transient ischaemic attack rarely precedes stroke in a cohort with low proportions of large artery atherosclerosis: A population-based study
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Acute Post-Stroke Blood Pressure Relative to Pre-Morbid Levels in Intracerebral Haemorrhage Versus Major Ischaemic Stroke: Population-Based Study
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Usefulness of various systolic BP variability parameters in predicting outcome in acute intercerebral haemorrhage: analysis of the INTERACT2 study
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Piloting the establishment of performance benchmark methods for acute stroke care in Australian hospitals
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Significance of hyperglycemia in acute intracerebral hemorrhage: INTERACT2 results
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Usefulness of clinical grading scales in intracerebral haemorrhage: INTERACT2 experience
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Prognostic significance of perihaematomal edema in acute intracerebral haemorrhage: INTERACT2 results
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Early intensive BP lowering treatment reduces perihaematomal oedema in intracerebral haemorrhage: pooled analysis of INTERACT studies
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Magnitude of blood pressure lowering and clinical outcomes in acute intracerebral haemorrhage: the INTERACT2 study
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