Devarsetty Praveen

About Dr Devarsetty Praveen

Global Strategic Priority Lead - Better Care & Director Primary Health Care

  • Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
  • MBBS,
  • MD,
  • PhD

Dr. Devarsetty Praveen is a public health expert with deep knowledge of epidemiological research and a strong focus on using system-based innovations to tackle inequities in chronic disease care. He serves as the Director of the NIHR-funded Global Health Research Center for NCDs and Environmental Changes, as well as the Director of the Primary Health Care Research Consortium Secretariat. In these roles, he leads research efforts that are policy-relevant and aim to strengthen high-quality primary health care systems globally.

Dr. Praveen has extensive experience in designing and implementing large-scale primary care research projects, particularly using digital health strategies (e/m-health) in countries such as India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Thailand. He applies mixed-methods research and implementation science to integrate proven evidence into routine practice, improving access to quality health care.

He is the elected Co-Chair of the Hypertension Research Program within the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases, a network of major research funding agencies dedicated to addressing chronic non-communicable diseases. Dr. Praveen holds a PhD in Medicine from the School of Public Health, University of Sydney.

Does integration matter? an international cross-sectional study on the relationship between perceived public health and primary care integration and COVID-19 vaccination rates

PLoS ONE Date published:

WCN25-1785 Study design and baseline characteristics for a cluster randomized controlled trial of a mobile health-based primary care program for Type 2 Diabetes in rural Thailand

Kidney International Reports Date published:

Using primary and routinely collected data to determine prevalence and patterns of multimorbidity in rural China: a representative cross-sectional study of 6474 Chinese adults

The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific Date published:

Design and development of a mobile health intervention for rehabilitation support after knee arthroplasty: TeleRehabilitation after knee ArThroplasty (TReAT) project

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Date published:

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