Elizabeth Dunford's Publications
About Elizabeth Dunford's Publications
Project Consultant- Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
Defining “High-In” Saturated Fat, Sugar, and Sodium to Help Inform Front-of-Pack Labeling Efforts for Packaged Foods and Beverages in the United States
Nutrients Date published: -
An Evaluation of the Nutritional and Promotional Profile of Commercial Foods for Infants and Toddlers in the United States
Nutrients Date published: -
Commercially-produced infant and toddler foods-How healthy are they? An evaluation of products sold in Australian supermarkets
Maternal & Child Nutrition Date published: -
Phosphate Additives in US Foods and Beverages: A Hidden, Real Danger to Kidney Patients’ Health
Current Developments in Nutrition Date published: -
Phosphate Food Additives in Ultraprocessed Food (UPF) Categories Positively Associated With Type 2 Diabetes Risk: A Mechanism in UPF Disease Risk?
Current Developments in Nutrition Date published: -
TEMPORARY REMOVAL: Ultraprocessing and presence of additives in commercially produced complementary foods in seven Southeast Asian countries: a cross-sectional study
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Date published: -
A policy approach to identifying food and beverage products that are ultra-processed and high in added salt, sugar and saturated fat in the United States: a cross-sectional analysis of packaged foods
The Lancet Regional Health - Americas Date published: -
The development of a method for the global health community to assess the proportion of food and beverage companies’ sales that are derived from unhealthy foods
Globalization and Health Date published: -
Exposure Estimates of Both Inorganic and Organic Phosphate-Containing Food Additives in US Grocery Household Food Sales in 2022 Validates Need for Labeling Phosphorus Content
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Date published: -
Inorganic Phosphate Additives in US Household 2022 Product Sales from the Top 25 Grocery Store Food Manufacturers: An Existential, Pervasive Risk Factor for CKD
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Date published: -
Could Google Help Curb Online Advertising of Unhealthy Foods to U.S. Children?
American Journal of Preventive Medicine Date published: -
Industrial Use of Phosphate Food Additives: A Mechanism Linking Ultra-Processed Food Intake to Cardiorenal Disease Risk?
Nutrients Date published: -
Outcomes of a state-wide salt reduction initiative in adults living in Victoria, Australia
European Journal of Nutrition Date published: -
Sodium content in processed food items in Sweden compared to other countries: a cross-sectional multinational study
Frontiers in Public Health Date published: -
Sodium content in Swedish processed food items compared to other countries
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology Date published: -
Ultra-processed food for infants and toddlers; dynamics of supply and demand
Bulletin of the World Health Organization Date published: