Elizabeth Dunford's Publications
About Elizabeth Dunford's Publications
Project Consultant- Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
A nutrient profiling assessment of packaged foods using two star-based front-of-pack labels
Public Health Nutrition Date published: -
A Comparison of the Sodium Content of Supermarket Private-Label and Branded Foods in Australia
Nutrients Date published: -
Setting targets for salt levels in foods: A five-step approach for low- and middle-income countries
Food Policy Date published: -
Salt Reduction Initiatives around the World - A Systematic Review of Progress towards the Global Target
PLOS ONE Date published: -
The Nutritional Profile of Baby and Toddler Food Products Sold in Australian Supermarkets
Maternal and Child Health Journal Date published: -
Package size and manufacturer-recommended serving size of sweet beverages: a cross-sectional study across four high-income countries
Public Health Nutrition Date published: -
Are gluten-free foods healthier than non-gluten-free foods? An evaluation of supermarket products in Australia
British Journal of Nutrition Date published: -
Nutrient profile of 23 596 packaged supermarket foods and non-alcoholic beverages in Australia and New Zealand
Public Health Nutrition Date published: -
The adherence of packaged food products in Hyderabad, India with nutritional labelling guidelines.
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition Date published: -
Variability in the reported energy, total fat and saturated fat contents in fast-food products across ten countries
Public Health Nutrition Date published: -
Sodium content in processed foods in Argentina: compliance with the national law.
Cardiovasc Diagn Ther Date published: -
Salt reduction in Australia: from advocacy to action.
Cardiovasc Diagn Ther Date published: -
The salt content of products from popular fast-food chains in Costa Rica
Appetite Date published: -
The compliance of packaged food products in India with national and international nutritional labelling standards
Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism Date published: -
The nutritional profile of baby food products sold in Australian supermarkets
Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism Date published: -
A systematic review of the prevalence of nutrition labels and completeness of nutrient declarations on pre-packaged foods in China
Journal of Public Health Date published: