Elizabeth Dunford's Publications
About Elizabeth Dunford's Publications
Project Consultant- Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
Protocol for developing the evidence base for a national salt reduction programme for India
BMJ Open Date published: -
An Evaluation of the Effects of the Australian Food and Health Dialogue Targets on the Sodium Content of Bread, Breakfast Cereals and Processed Meats
Nutrients Date published: -
FoodSwitch: A Mobile Phone App to Enable Consumers to Make Healthier Food Choices and Crowdsourcing of National Food Composition Data
JMIR mHealth and uHealth Date published: -
Target Salt 2025: A Global Overview of National Programs to Encourage the Food Industry to Reduce Salt in Foods
Nutrients Date published: -
Changes in the sodium content of leading Australian fast-food products between 2009 and 2012
Medical Journal of Australia Date published: -
Cost-effectiveness of reducing salt intake in the Pacific Islands: protocol for a before and after intervention study
BMC Public Health Date published: -
A systematic interim assessment of the Australian Government's Food and Health Dialogue
Medical Journal of Australia Date published: -
Complexities and opportunities in monitoring and evaluating US and global changes by the food industry
Obesity Reviews Date published: -
Progress with a global branded food composition database
Food Chemistry Date published: -
Monitoring the levels of important nutrients in the food supply
Obesity Reviews Date published: -
The Australian Food and Health Dialogue - the implications of the sodium recommendation for pasta sauces
Public Health Nutrition Date published: -
Date published: -
Changes in the sodium content of Australian ready meals between 2008 and 2011.
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition Date published: -
Drop the Salt! Assessing the impact of a public health advocacy strategy on Australian government policy on salt
Public Health Nutrition Date published: -
Nutritional quality of Australian breakfast cereals. Are they improving?
Appetite Date published: -
International collaborative project to compare and track the nutritional composition of fast foods
BMC Public Health Date published: