Jagnoor Jagnoor's Publications
About Jagnoor Jagnoor's Publications
Senior Research Fellow, Injury Program- Head, India Injury Division
- Co-director, WHO Collaborating Centre on Injury Prevention and Trauma Care
- Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
- Honorary Senior Lecturer, School of Public Health University of Sydney and The John Walsh Centre for Rehabilitation Research
- BDS,
- MPH,
- PhD
Implementation of a guideline-based clinical pathway of care to improve health outcomes following whiplash injury (Whiplash ImPaCT): protocol of a randomised, controlled trial
Journal of Physiotherapy Date published: -
Mild traumatic brain injury and motor vehicle crashes: Limitations to our understanding
Injury Date published: -
INternational ORthopaedic MUlticentre Study (INORMUS) in Fracture Care
Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma Date published: -
Epidemiology of falls among older adults: A cross sectional study from Chandigarh, India
Injury Date published: -
Comparison of health outcomes between hospitalised and non-hospitalised persons with minor injuries sustained in a road traffic crash in Australia: a prospective cohort study
BMJ Open Date published: -
The impact of road traffic injury in North India: a mixed-methods study protocol: Table 1
BMJ Open Date published: -
Restriction in functioning and quality of life is common in people 2 months after compensable motor vehicle crashes: prospective cohort study
Injury Epidemiology Date published: -
Prognostic indicators of social outcomes in persons who sustained an injury in a road traffic crash
Injury Date published: -
Estimation of the economic burden of injury in north India: a prospective cohort study
The Lancet Date published: -
Date published: -
The impact of road traffic injury in North India: a mixed-methods study protocol
BMJ Open Date published: -
Presence and predictors of persistent pain among persons who sustained an injury in a road traffic crash
European Journal of Pain Date published: -
Factors influencing social and health outcomes after motor vehicle crash injury: an inception cohort study protocol
BMC Public Health Date published: -
Guidelines for the management of acute whiplash associated disorders for health professionals
Date published: -
Traumatic brain injury-support for injured people and their carers
Australian Family Physician Date published: -
Traumatic brain injury - Support for injured people and their carers
Australian Family Physician Date published: